Recommended Mapping Solutions

Child Boards

[-] Bing Maps

[-] Content Management System Plugins and Extensions

[-] Council planning and heritage GISes

[-] Google Earth/Maps and My Maps

[-] Heganoo

[-] Mapbox

[-] MapHub

[-] MapStory

[-] Mapzen

[-] OpenStreetMap (OSM)

[-] Paper and Pen

[-] QGIS/GeoServer


(1/3) > >>

[1] Recommended mapping approaches

[2] Pros and Cons of different systems

[3] Georeferencing a map for free

[4] The Secret of Mapping Platforms

[5] Smart History

[6] Mobile Mapping

[7] Technical aspects of the NYC Space/Time Directory

[8] Google's open source projects

[9] Mapping Edinburgh's Social History (MESH)


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