This is an example of what I would like to be able to do with a mapping system. Although it is not the most complex I can think of, it includes some of the complexity that traditional
GISs seem to not have built in. I plan to use this to explore with various mapping communities as to whether their technologies can achieve this. Hopefully I will be able to try implementing this if I find a technology that can cope. On the other hand it may be too ambitious.
Either on my laptop or a website, I would like to be able to (for my village):
- select from several modern and old maps, and aerial views, and be able to choose between these as background maps by date and type
- from a fie on my laptop, create a map of all the known pubs in the village ...
- ... include the pub names and dates (as some have changed over time)
- ... attach all my photos of each pub, and census details
- so that, when I hover or click on a pub, I see a gallery of the photos of each pub, and the census details appropriate for the year selected on a year slider
And then from another computer see the same maps, photos, census details, and year slider on my website, with similar behaviour.
Feel free to provide other specific examples that we can use to explore whether a possible system can cope.