« on: 15 November 2016, 12:24:27 »
To create a new OPS
- If needed process a new version of the Studies spreadsheet
- Determine from the person responsible for the OPS and/or the Studies spreadsheet:
- OPSName - mixed case
- ContactEmail - to receive any enquiries
- Website - including https etc
- SOPSpage - for the study on the SOPS website
- SOPSName - the name for the OPS in the Studies spreadsheet - for matching up
- OPSDescription - html (can include links etc) displayed in the modal box - by default we use a link to Wikipedia
- Decide on:
- OPSCode - usually 3 upper case letters
- Area - eg AUS, ENG, WAL or SCO
- Go to Google Maps and find the OPS location, then copy the Lat/Lon coordinates from the URL - just after the @
- In M4OPS use the Goto button to go to the coordinates just obtained, and determine (using the M4OPS lon;lat csv option - NOT lat/lon):
- Lon;Lat for central point
- Zoom
- Rotation - usually blank (or 0)
- minx; miny - lon;lat csv for the bottom left corner
- maxx; maxy - lon;lat csv for the top right corner
- Decide on (usually just use defaults):
- nFeatureLayers - usually 2, can be 1 or 3
- password - for uploading and compiling (initial value)
- minYearBound - leave blank for now
- minYear - leave blank for now
- maxYear - leave blank for now
- Enter the relevant details into the list at \Mapping\Users\M4OPS users.doc
- Copy the full Blank folder in \Mapping\Software\M4OPS\OPS into the relevant Area folder (eg \ENG England), thereby creating the folder for the new OPS
- (Note that there is no need to set up the Backups folder as this is done automatically by savefiles.php)
- Rename this copied folder the relevant '(OPSCode) (OPSName)'
- In the FLG subfolder of this folder, edit the OPS.csv file with the above data (the Comments therein will help)
- In the same folder, edit the Exclusions.csv file as appropriate, or delete it completely (note that you only need to exclude layers if they are included in the Area's layers)
- In the same folder, check and edit as necessary the LayerDefs_Feature.csv and LayerDefs_Other.csv files (do not assume OK)
- The Blank LayerDefs_Other.csv file has both 1m and 2m Lidars for both DTM and DSM - check which are best for the OPS and delete the others from LayerDefs_Other.csv
- Don't FTP the whole folder, but use FTP to create the folder for the new OPS in /ShowMapsDev/OPS/(Area) - with the name '(OPSCode) (OPSName)'
- FTP the FLG, Images, and SavedFiles folders, as well as the Ops.json file
- (or, if you have FTP'd the whole folder, delete the other sub-folders)
- Always precompile the Studies.json file using mapping4ops.org/ShowMapsDev/CompileStudies.php?BRs&Test
- Clear the browser cache
- Reload ShowMapsDev/M4OPS
- Switch the OPS to the new one, and ignore the error
- Click on Compile, blank out the password (its initial value), and say yes to compiling everything
- Open mapping4ops.org/ShowMapsDev/CompileStudies.php?BRs&Test again to precompile the studies.json file and check the new OPS is not now in the "Location not set from Studies.csv" list
- Again clear the browser cache, and reload M4OPS Dev
- Check if the basics all seem to work OK
- FTP Studies.json from /ShowMapsDev/ to our local M4OPS
- Consider adding other layers, such as at:
- Upload the revised LayerDefs_Other.csv and recompile
- FTP the resulting OPS.json from the /ShowMapsDev/OPS folder on the server back to the \Mapping\Software\M4OPS\OPS folder on the laptop and overwrite the dummy one
- Now on ShowMaps (instead of ShowMapsDev) repeat the:
- Folder creation
- FTP the FLG, Images, and SavedFiles folders, as well as the Ops.json file
- FTP Studies.json from M4OPS folder (so there is bno need to precompile
- Clear the browser cache, Reload ShowMaps, Compile, and
- Check processes
- Let the person responsible for the OPS know, referring them to When your One-Place Study has first been set up on M4OPS
« Last Edit: 4 April 2019, 16:57:07 by PeterC »